Monday, September 23, 2013

Make the non-human Human

Here are some humanoid robots whose forms are more or less akin to us. But we can make them human! Take the same 'start with something' then 'box' it up. Once you have those forms you can proceed with everything else we've learned in class with working out the human forms.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Eizo's sexytime X-rays

Check these out (however you'd like), Eizo made an actual calendar of these models' xrays. Why not try drawing boxes from these for practice? And they're so pretty too!

Guess who's got a fancy new Forum? US!

Like anything, a work in progress. Make it great! Our inbox is lonely. Yes, we're calling you out in front of everybody. What's a forum and a blog without it's contributing class? The Thrash and Kitty show...and that's a different class. Here's hoping next Saturday has a working AC. Bring your towels just in case.

Friday, September 6, 2013

And we met in the swealtering sauna that was room 1020

So we've never done of these before. It'll sort of be an evolutionary trial run of blogging won't it? Don't think of this as a recap of class (Get out of bed and attend class you lazy bum!) . Perhaps it's better to think of this as our gathering for reflection.

Some awesome Marshall quotes from last class.

"Start with a something."

"Don't start carefully."

"Start simple."

Words to draw by. If anyone has any drawings they'd like to post up on the blog you can email them to  ...and I think we're good. Not much of a first blog, but we started with something, and that's got to count for...something...